QB MATRIX Documentation Copyright 1996 Tim Truman ------------ Distribution ------------ QB MATRIX may be freely distributed providing no changes are made to the program or it's support files. QB MATRIX may not be distributed compiled. ------------ Code Ripping ------------ Original functions and subroutines found in QB MATRIX may be used with permision from the author. ----------------- Loading QB Matrix ----------------- To load the program from DOS type QBASIC QBMATRIX and press enter. Intructions on how to play are included in the first few pages of source code or you can read them below. If you want to skip reading the instructions and go right to the game type QBASIC /RUN QBMATRIX and press enter. If your using QuickBasic 4.5 then Type QB QBMATRIX or QB /RUN QBMATRIX. Windows users can use the included PIF files to load the program. Use the File Manager and double click on the QBASIC.PIF file to run QBMATRIX in QBASIC or double click the QB45.PIF to load QBMATRIX into QuickBASIC 4.5. ----------------- Playing QB Matrix ----------------- -- Selecting play options After leaving the title screen an option screen will appear. Here's the options availble. Press on the buttons to use them. Slam Mode - Setting slam mode will cause the piece in play to immediatly drop into position after pressing the down arrow key or the 2 key. Otherwise the down arrow key or key 2 on the numeric keypad must be held to drop the piece. Slam mode is best used after becomming familiar with the game. Sound - Allows you to turn off the sound effects so you won't disturb the boss. Level - The higher the selected level the faster the pieces will drop. Handicap - Selecting a handicap greater than zero will fill the bottom of the pit with random blocks up to the number of rows equal to the handicap value selected. Play Matrix - Start the game with the selected options. Key usage during option screen: / - esc 8 - move cursor up 4 5 6 - move cursor left / press buttons / move cursor right 2 - move cursor down Or use the arrow keys and space bar. -- How to play Get the falling pieces to fit the best you can within the confines of the pit. When complete rows are formed they will be cleared. This will make room for more pieces. When pieces land on the very top row of the pit the game will be over. Key usage during game : / - esc 8 - spin piece ccwise 4 5 6 - move piece left / spin piece cwise / move piece right 2 - move piece down Ins Del - toggle slam mode / toggle sound Or use the arrow keys and space bar. -- Scoring Points are awarded every time a piece land in the pit. The points recieved are calculated by the row the piece lands in and the current level. Simply, the higher the piece lands and the higher the level the more points that are added to the score. -- Entering a highscore QB Matrix keeps the top 15 highscores. If you have beaten one of them a red blinking cursor will appear at your rank and you can enter a name or phrase of up to 23 charaters in length. The keys respond like a reqular text editor. Press enter when done. ----------------------------- Ordering the Advanced Version ----------------------------- For information on ordering the QuickBASIC 4.5 version with greatly enhanced features read the MATRIX.TXT file. Questions, comments or work related: AOL - Tim Truman Compuserve - 74734,2203 INTERNET - TimTruman@aol.com Enjoy The Game!